This is a frequent problem within marriages that nobody is paying attention to. Couples who struggle with sleep apnea have a high divorce rate. Can we save marriages by treating sleep apnea? It's a question we hope to answer.

Life is just not pleasant together when you are not rested. You don't ride the bumps of stress as well.

The strain on the marriage was evident, the couple was fighting all the time.

Our early results have been terrific. It is beautiful to see couples getting along so much better.

This is the first study to document if her sleep is improved, and the relationship during the day is improved, and we think the compliance with the treatment is improved.

Typically, the snorer is the one who gets the help. But, we don't know what the impact is on the spouse.

The strain on the marriage was evident. The couple was fighting all the time and the surveys revealed low satisfaction with the marriage, especially when it came to effective communication.

Couples who struggle with sleep apnea have a high divorce rate.