We need to ensure there is consistent dialogue . . . and not just one person speaking for the city.

My oldest daughter, she's kind of embarrassed of it now that she's 18. My 15-year-old god-daughter has her friends come over and hang out in it. She's kind of a rock-n-roller.

That gun once it hits it can determine whether that license is registered whose the person who should be paying it.

Some of it has to be passed on, and they expect it, and when I say they, I mean all of us are consumers.

The first black president will be a politician who is black.

I hope that we recognize this could be a very severe time for a lot of people.

I get a lot of comments.

Despite weeks and weeks of evidence -- even before Hurricane Katrina -- that these families were going to face record energy bills, your Administration has made no recommendations to deal with their financial straits.

We will make certain that this is the people's city hall. It's open to all, the outside has been cleaned, we're gonna clean the inside, too.