It started with the defense.

She puts everyone else first. Probably every mile she's put on her van has been running errands for someone else.

We're certain entertainment will return to Southeast Texas, but first and foremost, we need to get our community up and running.

We are very pleased to have Matt on our staff, ... His professionalism and hunger to be the best will be a great fit in the front office.

We use him as a role model to deliver socially responsible messages to children, ... We take him just about every place we go.

Picking Wayne Newton takes some rodeo insight. He'll perform on our last Sunday, which is our finals, and the winners' paychecks here will help them in the standings early in the season and give them a better chance to become one of the top 12 qualifiers to go to Vegas and possibly winning the world championship.

This was the easiest money I ever raised. We'd call up people and they'd respond as soon as they heard it was for Mary. We had one check for $5,000 from one individual alone. People were overwhelmingly generous. It wasn't a benefit, but a gift to thank her for everything she's done.

You can sell art, but (making it) gives you riches besides. Tap into that. That's a benefit.

We call her Mother Bulldog. She's been in charge forever. She's a big part of the Booster Club for all the sports.

She has been having a lot of trouble with her car recently. I got mad at her and told her that her vehicle wasn't worth $100, she shouldn't spend any money on it.

Offensively, ... we thought our size gave us an advantage. We wanted to pound the football all game.