Other concerns are snakes and bugs, ... It's 92 degrees with 100 percent humidity. They are praying for no rain for a while.

We've run into a few snags, but if things don't change, I think we're going to be on track.

When I saw it (the damage) on TV and in the papers, I couldn't believe it, ... I found Terre's brother, Jack Lane's, e-mail to see what he had heard from them. Jack lives in Madison, Miss., about three hours from Randy and Terre, and he was able to give them my e-mail address.

Christmas is going to be tough on a lot of people here in Greenville, but it is going to be especially tough on people who don't even have a house to put a tree up, ... The needs change daily. By that time, they are going to have a whole different bunch of needs.

It would be great if we would get so much stuff that we have to send another trailer down in November, ... We know as time passes there will be different needs, things like light bulbs and lumber. We will probably continue for six months to a year, as long as they still need our help.

It would have cost us about $630 just for gas for a pickup truck and trailer.

We want to get some one-gallon bags and put together things like a toothbrush, toothpaste, a razor, soap, hand sanitizer and a comb, ... It would save Randy and Terre having to sort everything. If people feel clean, they feel better about themselves. It's the little things we just take for granted.