Stay-at-home parents like Marge perform many household services that would expensive to replace, and consequently have a significant need for life insurance.

I hope I'm at Cas next year but that's out of my hands and the decision is up to the board.

I hope I'm at the club next year but that's out of my hands and the decision is up to the board. Everyone wrote us off saying we were too young and we have copped some baggings, but I knew we had the talent.

Her kindness and compassion for her friends touched many soldiers throughout the company.

I absolutely felt the project was imminent. This is really an insult.

As a gay man, I want it to win the Oscar but I don't think it will. I don't think the general population is ready to see this movie win the Best Picture award.

It made a lot of straight people realize there are still a lot of closeted gay people out there and how hard it is for them. I think it also made people realize that an affair between two gay people is just as hard as it is for two straight people. When it comes to love, everybody is emotional, whether you're gay or straight.

We've already lost much of the ambition of the Doha round. It's not an ambitious round. There is a generalized inability to make deals, to take political pain back home.

These policies help protect dependent children and the estate [by paying estate taxes] if the remaining spouse dies.