I can understand the kind of situation he is in. I had my years in and I just sat back and said it's probably time for me to move on and do something else, something different in my life. It's time for him to move along and do something different. He served the community very well over the years and I understand exactly where he is and I wish him all the luck in the world.

The kids lean halfway out the window waving and shouting, ... The adults too.

I'm one of the few county managers in this state who would not go to meetings and fuss about my sheriff. We always got along. Sometimes we had some pretty tough conversations about what he wanted in a budget, what he thought he should be doing and what I felt like as county manager I could put in the budget and make a recommendation on.

The merchandising is where the real profits are made.

Either it was there or it wasn't, and I would like to know the truth.

The magic is dealing with a lot of details, because every order is a customized order, ... You have to interpret information in a short period of time.

The boy was a young boy, feisty, outgoing and active.

We're in a growth mode, and we're trying to catch up.

The two kids were friends of my kids.