David Baltimore
FameRank: 6

"David Baltimore" is an American biologist, university administrator, and Nobel laureate in Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine/Physiology or Medicine. He served as president of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) from 1997 to 2006, and is currently the President Emeritus and Robert Andrews Millikan Professor of Biology at Caltech. He also served as president of Rockefeller University from 1990 to 1991, and was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007. Dr. Baltimore has profoundly influenced international science, including key contributions to immunology, virology, cancer research, biotechnology, and recombinant DNA research, through his accomplishments as a researcher, administrator, educator, and public advocate for science and engineering. He was awarded the U.S. National Medal of Science in 1999.

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There is an increasing belief that we need to understand the structure better.

AIDS is the most potent and destructive scourge right now in terms of diseases.

In the last few years these efforts have been remarkably successful. It has been possible to identify both genes and the proteins involved in cancer induction.

You do have a certain responsibility to be a spokesman for the scientific community and to represent people.

No one was more surprised than me.

So I don't know where he cut corners and where he didn't.

He was a very personally attractive, excited, and thoughtful guy who cared about a wide range of science. When I first heard there was a question about his work, it came as a very great surprise to me.

This is not a decision that I have made easily, but I am convinced that the interests of the Institute will be best served by a presidential transition at this particular time in its history.