Everyone is pro-active and very interested in helping with this (situation), ... They realize this is a good place to work and they want do everything they can to police themselves and address issues on the labor side as well.

Would be nice if I could have talked to them or had an assembly on what they did.

We're not real encouraged by the length of time that has gone by.

The only thing we've been wondering is if it could be due to the magnitude of Katrina.

Woman Is the Nigger of the World.

If you were willing to work, the overtime was there for you.

The chief justice for 33 years has been the personification of the value of judicial restraint, and that is something that the president is equally committed to. I'm certain the president will abide by those beliefs as he looks for a nominee to replace him.

I'm sure our usual hot spots will perk right up.

I always wondered who those people were.