I'm looking more like my dogs every day-it must be the shaggy fringe and the ears.

I wouldn't think a blues album would be that commercially successful, but I don't really care. I'd do it for the love of blues, not for the money. I've got plenty of money.

Other people seem to write about love, don't they? It seems to be the least pretentious subject to write about. I've been taking a lot of criticism for it, but at least it's honest. But one shouldn't go and make a solo album if they can't take a little knocking, should they?

A duck walked into my kitchen this morning.

I don't have a star-type attitude. I'm down-to-earth. I tend to laugh at my success. I don't take myself all that seriously. If you take yourself too seriously in this business, you'll get hurt badly.

I've never written with the intention of writing hits. I guess I'm a commercial writer, though. My songs do tend to come out two verses, bridge, guitar solo, last verse, and tag. When I've finished a piece I do have my opinion about whether it will sell, of course, but I'm not always right.

I didn't feel the inclination to put myself out on a limb that much on my first solo album. I stayed with songs that are simple and unpretentious. That's what I do best.

I cover most of the sound that we use on records with what I have. And people tell us that we still sound pretty big for a band with four instrumentalists.

At the moment I'm really happy.