We decided that it made no more sense for him to hang around in Baghdad without being able to accomplish his task, ... a simple, practical decision.

Over the past 10 months, we have learned that [deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's] most senior and trusted officials can hold their tongues.

I'm honored that director Tenet has asked me to tackle this challenging assignment. I'm approaching it with an open mind and am absolutely committed to following the evidence wherever it takes us.

Can hold their tongues.

I also have insisted that the report include as much basic data as reasonable and that it be unclassified, since the tragedy that has been Iraq has exacted such a huge cost for so many for so long.

It's the end of a week of inspections that had been planned, and (Ritter) will be returning back to his home office in New York, ... It is not intended to send a signal. It is not intended to mean anything other than the period of time of this inspection is over and he is coming home.

Many perceive a grave risk in speaking with us. On one hand, there is a fear of prosecution or arrest. On the other, there is a fear [that] former regime supporters will exact retribution. This is, in part, why we do not yet fully understand the central issue of regime intentions.

We're coming out of a crisis. We're trying to keep the temperature down as much as possible.