Just a lot of criticism and pessimism.

They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye. I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position.

Is a very minor matter, but made very important. ... It was made far bigger than its actual importance.

Called Peter Wallison -- Told him Colin Powell had only minimum involvement on Iran.

Under no circumstances should we now ease our restrictions on arms sales to Iran. Such a policy reversal would be seen as inexplicably inconsistent by those nations whom we have urged to refrain from such sales, and would likely lead to increased arms sales by them and a possible alteration of the strategic balance in favor of Iran while (the Ayatollah) Khomeini is still the controlling influence.

This will not be an easy task. We are fully embarked on it, we are not embarked on it to go half-way, we are embarked on it to win.

I think we could have done a little better.

I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission.

I think women are too valuable to be in combat.

He was just a worn-out guy.