Bob Law
FameRank: 6

"Bob Law" was a founding father of British Minimalism concerning painting and sculpture. A prolific artist throughout his lifetime, Law struggled with ideas surrounding the legitimacy and significance of abstract art.

More Bob Law on Wikipedia.

Our partnership with Thomson will allow us to bring Sirius' programming to more people through new and exciting products. Thomson is a proven leader in consumer electronics, and we are pleased to be working with them to help bring Sirius to the home.

I can't believe they're making that much money. BUILD has no track record or function in this community.

We want to make our unique and compelling programming available over as many products as we can.

During my tour of the gulf states, people felt not only were they abandoned, but that there was a deliberate attempt to destroy them. Even here on Long Island, the quality of education in some schools is pitiful.

I can't believe they're making that much money.

It is not only a commemoration of the Million Man March, but a new movement for economic and political power.