This is a problem rooted in both perception and reality, and it is a problem related to doping, athlete conduct, and the credibility of the sport.

Respect the other Wolverine fans by not standing for the entire game.

We are not satisfied with the action that has been taken to date by them.

One of the things that we'll see is that school budgets are going to be severely impacted by gas prices. We'll just have to bring it to them.

We'll leave no stone unturned. If we find them, we'll deal with them appropriately. We'll do as much as we legally can.

We love doing the car wash. It's a lot of fun and a great way to reach out to the local community and serve with absolutely no strings attached.

This long and unpleasant chapter in the university history has ended once and for all. We have learned some hard lessons from this experience, but we emerged from it with a stronger program and a renewed commitment to the highest standards of integrity.

I heard the live the announcement on WJR this afternoon, and that was the first notice I or anyone at the University of Michigan had received about any of this. We were negotiating in good faith over the last few months, and we thought we had a deal. We wish WJR and Michigan State the best.

This is tough love to a wonderful, high-performing kid. Sometimes, you got to take that kid to the woodshed to get them straightened out.