"Bill Harris" is the name of:

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The Quicken Tax Freedom Project is one program that will help bridge this country's technology gap by making electronic tax preparation affordable and accessible to those who otherwise may not have access to a computer or the appropriate software. We think it is important for everyone in the country to be able to enjoy the great benefits of the new digital revolution.

It's not something to confuse, but something to try and clarify to people that this is something that should be done, not in the constitution but in the revised code.

He told us that he…basically…didn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Rob is our No. 1, but we have great confidence in either one of them.

They are streaming back in.

He made me cry.

I want bad actors who have violated the public trust to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, ... What I will not do is cave into political pressure and start this process until I have a complete picture of what the problem is.

If I can use the existing infrastructure rather than put in new optical [systems], I'd rather do that.

... and her singing. She sings all the time while we're driving.