Bernard Kouchner
FameRank: 4

" Bernard Kouchner" is a French politician and physician. He is the co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Médecins du Monde. From 2007 until 2010, he was the French Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)/Minister of Foreign and European Affairs in the center-right François Fillon/Fillon government under president Nicolas Sarkozy, although he had been in the past a minister in socialist governments. In 2010, the Jerusalem Post considered Bernard Kouchner the 15th most influential Jewish person in the world.

More Bernard Kouchner on Wikipedia.

One must actually protect the ill.

Chirac seems completely out of the loop. It's all very strange. As a doctor, I can't say whether he's in bad physical shape. But as a citizen, I can say he looks weaker and weaker.

It is not state money. We cannot transfer it, ... There is a little tinge of electioneering in all of this, which I don't blame doctors for making use of.

It has not been solved here since centuries! We are not making miracles here!

Carefully executed act of violence.

[Congratulating his successor and wishing him] a very productive time, ... He will have many challenges ahead of him ... I hope it will be a fulfilling experience for him, here in Kosovo, as it remains for me.

I think there are people who want to destroy, symbolically, Orthodox churches and I find this behavior absolutely unacceptable.

There is no question of legislating for the moment. One must actually protect the ill.

We had to act. As a doctor and as chief administrator of Kosovo, I would be derelict if I let this threat to the health of children and pregnant women continue for one more day.