I talk to you today about the blessed London battle, which came as a slap to the face of the tyrannical, crusader British arrogance. It's a sip from the glass that the Muslims have been drinking from.

We have repeated again and again, and here we are warning one more time - all those who took part in the aggression on Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, we will respond in kind.

Blair has brought to you destruction in central London, and he will bring more of that, God willing.

Blair not only disregards the millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he does not care about you as he sends you to the inferno in Iraq and exposes you to death in your land because of his crusader war against Islam.

Hasn't Sheik Osama bin Laden told you that you will not dream of security before there is security in Palestine and before all the infidel armies withdraw from the land of Muhammed.

Just as 9-11 was a response to the U.S.

The blessed London raid was a slap in the face of the arrogant, crusader British rulers.

This blessed battle has transferred - like its glorious predecessors in New York, Washington, and Madrid - the battle to the enemies' land, after many centuries of the battle being on our (Muslim) land and after (Western) troops have occupied our land in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.