Nobody is paying attention to any fundamental news. The funds are still piling in.

Mine production is nowhere near what we thought it would be at the start of the year.

It is going to require a lot of nerve to sell short in this market. The fundamentals are supportive and inventories are falling.

The Chinese have just added to the nervousness of a market that was already nervous. This market is flying on vapor now.

The fundamentals have become superfluous. None of the metals would be where they are today without the influence of fund buying.

The market continues to be supported from a fundamental perspective by a combination of falling stocks and supply disruptions.

Reduced production in Zambia adds further pressure under a market already bubbling.

We've long been aware of the environmental responsibilities you've got when you're in this kind of business. We only feed the salmon shrimp meal, and as far as stocking density's concerned, only one per cent of the volume of the cage is fish.

I wouldn't want to put a top on it at the moment. It has still got a lot of wind in its sales.