It's a cat-and-mouse game with the pharmaceutical companies. They are extremely powerful.

It's not illegal. But in my mind, this is completely unethical. It's breaking all the laws of pharmacy and medicine.

The pharmaceutical industry has done an enormous amount of lobbying of politicians in the states and the federal government. That's why it's such an amazing example in Nevada.

It's an issue of patient safety. We're not talking about Viagra and narcotics abuse. We are talking about people with breast cancer, heart disease and diabetes on established medication. Who is going to be liable for these people going off medical regimens and suffering or even dying?

Many people will still gain a huge benefit from coming to Canada.

They were all unsuccessful in the legislative route because of the ability of the people who oppose (the imports) to stifle them.

We want the opportunity to work with the government on this.

We're not telling people that Part D is not going to work; we're saying assess it for yourself, put Canada in the mix, see where you come out. Canada has been around for five years in terms of a robust Canadian mail order program. Next year, (Medicare Part D premiums) have the ability to go up, drug prices can change.

Having a clean slate to start with is absolutely great.