Andrea White
FameRank: 6

"Andrea White" is an United States/American novelist and civic leader. She is the wife of Bill White/Bill White, the former Mayor of Houston, Texas and the unsuccessful candidate for governor of Texas in Texas gubernatorial election, 2010/2010.

More Andrea White on Wikipedia.

It's the 90/10 rule. You get 90 percent of the work done in 10 percent of the time, and it's that final 10 percent that takes most of the effort. But if you wait until you are 100 percent sure, it will never get done.

One of the things under consideration is the extension of those programs. And the thought is that by extending the programs those people will be reached.

Rx Outreach has been a critical tool for our pharmacy assistance programs as we have worked to expand access to affordable medications for Tennesseans. In 2005, the custom program that we developed with Rx Outreach saved patients in the state more than $22 million and helped to fill a vital gap for individuals that don't have insurance.

The first breaking point [in this approach] is not adequately defining the buyer's goals for the acquisition, ... Contractors still need guidance from the buyer about what's important.

She said, 'Should I try to do the splits?' and I said 'Yeah!' and she ripped her pants!

We did it to make it more convenient for the patient as a one-stop center so they don't have to go to different areas of the hospital.