Amir Butler
FameRank: 3

"Amir Butler" is an author and engineer. Born in the United Kingdom, he currently lives in Melbourne, Australia.

Amir Butler's views on Muslims in Australia were quoted in the past in the Australian media, sometimes critically. Butler has also been cited in the UK Parliament and in the NSW Parliament as an authority with views on legislation to do with vilification based on religion.

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There is no doubt that Iraqis, like Australians and Americans, love and desire freedom. However, if freedom doesn't mean the right to complete self-determination, unfettered by interests other than one's own, then that freedom is less than worthless - it's oppression.

The reality is that we are hated not because of our democracy, freedoms, and generous social security system; rather, we are hated because of our involvement in foreign conflicts and quarrels that were never our concern.