We have a zero tolerance for people stealing funds meant for storm victims. Many of the cases we are prosecuting involve small amounts. But we wanted to get out there with these arrests in part to deter people.

Those in law enforcement who would sell their badges to aid in the illegal shipment of narcotics to the United States need to know that we are aggressively investigating their activities.

This is not something the department should be getting involved with.

This investigation continues ... however long it takes, wherever it leads.

When individuals meet here in the shadow of our nation's capital to go prepare for violent action, we will take action.

We're going to act quickly and aggressively to detect any kind of fraud and vigorously pursue it if we find it.

[Corruption has] a devastating impact on the public's trust in government. Government officials and government actions are not for sale.

Our job is to make sure the money is not diverted to fraudsters.

If it doesn't look right, chances are it's not.