I would characterize the current times as the best of times for retail companies.

I was the best book-cooker in the athletic department. I was the go-to man, ... Everybody knew it. But I wasn't the only person doing wrong.

The teachers here are way cool, ... If you obey the rules and turn in your assignments, you get parties.

The benefit of the split is you clearly have some jewels in that financial empire. Wireless and broadband are doing very well.

This is a positive for AT&T, ... AT&T... is forming itself into four unique autonomous divisions. Dorman is coming on to handle business services. There are no negatives in this move.

It's not that Asia and PC's aren't something we didn't already know about but this is clearly worse than we expected.

Assuming a leveling off of production?as the production process gets to be more routine and less frenetic, so parts come in on time, clearly that's going to free up a whole lot of manpower.