Building reliable, dependable and secure e-commerce sites requires massive investments, ... Successful attacks can destroy the most critical aspect of e-commerce-trust. Ensuring the maintenance of trust is one of the primary functions of intrusion detection and vulnerability assessment products.

If you want to see how many bikes shipped in North Dakota last week, when you click on some option in that application, (the question is) how long will it take to respond?

At some point it needs to be bigger than the two of them in order to really drive the goals of this endeavor.

Because of the wide variety of cultural attitudes worldwide and the consumer concern for privacy, there's going to be a very large demand for products that can help you do this. It's clearly shaping up to be an important market, two or three years out.

These aren't functions that people need today, but they're functions that will support where a lot of enterprise customers want to go.

Intel has a pretty good size network division, and it has a number of products that use various security functions to add value to those network products.

[In short, Internet privacy policies offer consumers very little protection.] Six months ago, just having a privacy policy was considered pretty honorable, ... Today, most policies are pretty worthless.

People are going to buy this stuff without even knowing it.