It is definitely an unusually high number, normally you don't find wild birds dropping out and dying.

Eric Carey

What we're trying to do is trying to have reproduction of species in captivity so that if we do lose them in the wild, there's an option.

Erik Anderson

I love that kind of wild attitude in creating things. It is very amusing to me that so many people, designers, creators are trying to remake the '60s. I did (it) at the beginning, just for sort of mockery but gentle mockery.

Emanuel Ungaro

As the weather continues to warm to springtime temperatures, more wild critters will start to roam into areas looking for food, increasing the chances of unexpected interactions with people and their pets.

Ella Boyd

Recently, 15 rhinos were killed in a five month spate of poaching in Nepal, showing us that there is no room for complacency in our battle to save this species, ... Wanted Alive: Asian rhinos in the wild.

Elizabeth Kemf

I'm sure it's going to be pretty wild. Sacramento is wild, regardless. We know it.

Eduardo Najera

If this is a wild wolf, and it looks like one to me, it's number eight.

Ed Bangs

Muslims are like wild dogs.

Zeljko Raznatovic

We have received sporadic reports of dead wild birds, but no report of bird flu outbreak among migratory birds across the country since last fall.

Zhuo Rongsheng