4 quotes about unattached follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

For some of the younger guys, it is a chance to find out what college distance and level of competition is all about. Most of the freshmen are going to run unattached for right now so we can kind of see where they are at and decide whether, later on midseason, they will put on their uniform and use their eligibility.

Jason Dunn

Beauty and happiness and life are all the same and they are pervasive, unattached and abstract and they are our only concern. They are immeasurable, completely lacking in substance. They are perfect and sublime. This is the subject matter of art.

Agnes Martin

The great, great thing is no tubes or wires. He's unattached.

Nicole Draper

I have tried to accommodate a lot of people including some unattached people, which I shouldn't have done. I should have said no right from the beginning, but once you open a crack in the door, the next thing you know there's a stampede and I'm laying on the floor and they're walking right over me.

Ron Allice