4 quotes about terabytes follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

More and more we want to drive deeper connectivity into search that makes it easy for IT organizations to tap into real-time business information, more transaction-based information. We're looking at it from the end-user standpoint—how to get better access to information. ERP systems have terabytes of information and only 10 [percent] to 15 percent [of employees] have access to it.

Matthew Glotzbach

The common idea that the cost of data storage is rapidly becoming zero is plainly wrong when you are talking about terabytes of data. It will cost tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to securely store the data in usable form. Europeans will end up paying a great deal more for communications so their privacy can be undone.

Jim Harper

What have we lost? Well, we've lost a scientist who is really concerned about the quality of life for people who live in earthquake country. We have terabytes of information Tony gathered in the '80's and '90's (about earthquakes and land movement). That will be just part of Tony's legacy.

Bill Steele

We use 100 Terabytes per month, total, for our channels.

Tom Herman