This helps fill a big gap that has existed in evolutionary studies.

Daniel Funk

The (past) studies that reported a negative net energy assumed one should ignore co-products.

Alexander Farrell

Studies show that not all children are ready with the basic skills like recognizing numbers and letters . . . when they reach kindergarten, which puts them at a huge disadvantage. This is intended to bridge the gap.

Warren May

What the studies are showing is that exercise, at least when performed in a group setting, seems to be at least as effective as standard antidepressant medications in reducing symptoms in patients with major depression.

James Blumenthal

I teach US History, but it's wrapped up in social studies. He's getting to apply what he's learned here in school and take that out into the real world.

Len Sommers

There are studies which show the more excess weight a person carries, the greater the risk of some cancers, such as breast, kidney and colon to name a few.

Richard Walker

Listening to them, you would think they want studies done on humans.

Michael Jacobson

Our studies show they do reduce subsequent intake in the meal. If your salad is high in calorie density, it's worse. You don't compensate later.

Barbara Rolls

All the studies show that those people in high-pressure jobs are more inclined to have problems with substance abuse. We recognize that that is a reality of high-stress positions, and the legal profession's no different.

Robert Ingram

Numerous studies have found that trans fats raise our risk of heart disease. They can also contribute to an increase in total cholesterol levels and a drop in the healthy HDL cholesterol. These man-made fats are much worse for you than any other natural fat, even the saturated fats found in butter and beef.

Cynthia Payne

Studies on this topic have either not been done or not been published, or I haven't seen them.

Drummond Rennie

If the federal judge wants the agencies to re-do their studies, that's one thing. But he should not consider action that will have such a dramatic and negative impact on the entire state of Florida.

Doug Callaway

(Chaplains will) hold Bible studies and worship services (if they are a Christian chaplains). They have a responsibility of making sure every person has an opportunity to exercise their faith.

Mack Griffith

Breeding studies with both males and females often are necessary to identify candidate genes responsible for certain genetic traits. If we want to understand, for example, the genetic basis for why some clones of Daphnia from lakes are more resistant to pollution, then having males could help to find the genes in the genome.

Derek J. Taylor

We've looked at some studies from out West, and typically schools that fall below 100 students don't stay open.

Kris Mckoin

That is remarkable. While it is intriguing, it is preliminary and we'll look for other studies to confirm the finding. Then, we need basic science to figure out how it is helping.

Dallas Anderson

Some studies show that while the EU has better social policy than the US, more American women are employed and more of them work in higher positions.

Katharina Von Schnurbein

Studies such as these do more than fulfill our curiosity about the past. They help us prepare for our own future.

Tom Sever

These results suggest strong potential for regular use of these drugs in cancer prevention. Still, we know these drugs may have side effects, so we are not advising people to go out and start taking them until more studies confirm that they are safe and effective.

Randall Harris

I think you need to be selective in terms of the commercial banks. We've done a lot of studies in terms of credit quality in trying to figure out which ones really are at risk and which ones aren't. And I think that some of them are overly discounted at this point, like Chase Manhattan, Bank of America and Wells Fargo.

Andrew Collins

If you do your economic studies properly and count the cost of building and maintaining highways, as well as the cost of gasoline, then the cost of travel by light rail is not only merely competitive; it is actually less than what people normally look at.

Ron Goforth

We believe, based on studies we have done, it will work even better.

David Stout

People around the world are using these markers to do genetic association studies to understand the molecular basis of common diseases.

Dr Panos Deloukas

So in addition to music, the students will get important lessons in history and social studies.

Russell Schmidt

We need replication in other studies but, if it is verified, it means there would be another approach to conditioning a patient that would greatly minimize acute GVHD but lead to the same beneficial effects.

Marshall Lichtman

There should be human studies to finally establish that this is a major red flag.

Srikumar Chellappan

Let us read with method, and propose to ourselves an end to which our studies may point. The use of reading is to aid us in thinking.

Edward Gibbon

I believe it is not. Of all the studies that have been done, 86 or 87 percent show no harm at all.

Clark James

What we saw was when you looked at these good, large studies, you did no longer see an effect for homeopathy, whereas you still saw an effect for conventional medicine.

Matthias Egger

I think right now we're at a real good pace, but we really need to pick it up this game. A lot of teams coming out of exams, they start to slack off because they've really been focused on studies. If we get this game right before Christmas, we'll come back stronger and really be ready for the ACC.

Ekene Ibekwe

We are committed to sharing our scientific studies with the public in the most comprehensive and understandable format possible. Issue experts are reviewing the fuel economy data and we look forward to providing a summary of the information next week.

Eryn Witcher

If the studies are accurate, we can see Oaklawn take it to new levels.

Eric Jackson

On the basis of studies we've done, it's clear there is a growing sense of assurance in girls who want to own their intelligence and use it in good ways.

Elspeth Probyn

Our studies show these abilities are universal, and they develop in the absence of instruction. You don't need to take a class in geometry, and you don't need to learn from a teacher what a right triangle is in order to show this sensitivity.

Elizabeth Spelke

If a kid is being bullied, that's all they think about and cannot concentrate on their academic studies.

Elaine Williams

I was good at religious studies. Part of the coursework was meditation. We spent an hour a week with our eyes closed.

Elizabeth Jagger

It's important for us to start doing pilot project studies to deal with some of these issues and look for the most cost-effective method.

Edward Martinko

Every time I open her door, she's there on her bed with all her books spread out everywhere. She studies all the time.

Eetisha Riddle

There really is a perception that if you know the ballet studies, you know Degas. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Like Picasso, Degas was a relentless innovator in everything he did -- in drawing, in printmaking, in photography.

Edward Saywell

There really is a perception that if you know the ballet studies, you know Degas, ... Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Like Picasso, Degas was a relentless innovator in everything he did -- in drawing, in printmaking, in photography.

Edward Saywell

We expect to prove that the studies on which the Clinton administration based its ban were flawed and highly prejudiced. What's more, in the previous decision-making process, the public was prevented from participating as fully as the law allows. The agreement helps ensure that that won't happen this time around.

Ed Klim

He didn't hope to be an official or a wealthy man, but only hoped to do some academic studies, read and write some books, and live a tranquil and comfortable life.

Zhang Wen