62 quotes about smokers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Most of my friends are smokers and they frequent different bars now.

Matt Ivens

We are hoping that this campaign will give smokers an excellent reason to quit smoking - to protect their families, friends and colleagues.

Caroline Flint

Smokers are well aware of the health risks of smoking. There's no need to rub their noses in it, ... All that is needed is a simple written warning.

Simon Clark

There are a lot of smokers here, both locals and visitors.

Jeff Forbes

The literature has suggested that marijuana smoking increases the risk of head and neck cancer and lung malignancies, and that these tumors tend to develop earlier and behave more aggressively in marijuana smokers.

Dr. Martha Terris

The men who failed were smoking about twice as many cigarettes per day, an average of 19 per day, compared to the smokers who passed the [test].

Lani Burkman

Smokers don't seem to notice [the warnings]. We don't know why. Maybe it's because they're just used to them, or bored of them, or in denial.

Maurice Ptito

A tragedy that the Justice Department backed away from their original cessation remedy. Can you imagine what would happen if, as we projected with this plan, 1 million additional smokers quit each year -- 33 million over time?

Michael Fiore

I don't like breathing other people's smoke, but if we can put a man on the moon, my guess is that we can find a way to ventilate the smoke in one section of a bar or restaurant away from the non-smokers.

Christopher Buckley

Smokers should still have a choice. I mean, they should still have their certain section that they can smoke in.

Cassandra Walker

With nowhere to smoke in the pub or the office, smokers are nipping outside for a cigarette.

Alan Woods

Studies have shown that smokers have very low bone density, ... Strong Women, Strong Bones.

Miriam Nelson

That speaks volumes. People were like 'Wait a minute, why can't I smoke?' Even the non-smokers are wondering why we can't have it.

Cathy Burke

The sight of cancer-ridden lungs and yellowing teeth may reinforce a non-smoker's decision not to light up, but does nothing to convince those already addicted. The reason for this is a mixture of denial and familiarity.

Maurice Ptito

The new law is an unconstitutional attempt to prevent us from using an accepted form of product promotion with adult smokers.

Darryl R. Marsch

The extra money could be spent on more youth prevention programs and programs to help smokers who are trying to quit.

Donna Pasiechnik

It is appalling the way they deliberately set out to mislead smokers about the toxins in tobacco smoke knowing full well these machine measurements do not reflect how people smoke and therefore how much carbon monoxide and other toxins they are inhaling. We need a major overhaul of the system for measuring toxins in tobacco smoke.

Amanda Sandford

Permit such marketing to be directed toward adult smokers.

Philip Morris

It is imperative to create a no-smoking social environment and enhance the self-protection awareness of non-smokers.

Chen Guiyun

Smokers are made better-off by taxes, as they provide a valuable self-control device, ... Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier?

Jonathan Gruber

Absent intervention by the Florida Supreme Court, this would appear to be a terrible blow to the class of sick smokers in Florida.

Mark Gottlieb

The issue is smoking, not smokers. Smoking is the problem, not the smoker.

Regina Carlson

These figures suggest that a large number of smokers are purchasing their cigarettes through alternate channels such as across state borders or over the Internet.

Bill Phelps

It's heartening to see that Canadians, both smokers and non-smokers, are increasingly taking steps to protect others from tobacco smoke.

Cheryl Moyer

Smokers, male and female, inject and excuse idleness in their lives every time they light a cigarette.

Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

There are fewer and fewer smokers every year. Also, studies show that as the prices of cigarettes go up, the sales of cigarettes decline. For every 10 percent increase, sales fall by 4 percent.

Deryk Parker

Yes. As a non-smoker, I think it's very unfair that smokers go off and have a break, when I just can't.

Andy Jones

Our waitresses are smokers and our customers are smokers. Everybody's already losing money over this.

Bonnie Campbell

[It is] such a tragedy that the Justice Department backed away from their original cessation remedy, ... Can you imagine what would happen if, as we projected with this plan, 1 million additional smokers quit each year 33 million over time?

Michael Fiore

Where you live, where you're going to, when you go there, how frequently. We even match up with smokers and non-smokers, whatever.

Bill Schomisch

I used to smoke two packs a day and I just hate being a nonsmoker... but I will never consider myself a nonsmoker because I always find smokers the most interesting people at the table.

Michelle Pfeiffer

WHO has taken a very public lead in the fight against tobacco use. As a matter of principle, WHO does not want to recruit smokers.

Iain Simpson

Our hypothesis is that smokers who receive counseling will be more likely to quit smoking. We are hoping for a 25 percent to 30 percent success rate, which appears to be low but would be a significant improvement over the current rate.

Dr. Lori Bastian

Sampling in adult-only facilities is an effective and responsible way for us to communicate with adult smokers.

Darryl R. Marsch

Just don't. It doesn't make you cool at all. That's what I was. I was a social smoker. The more people I hung out with that were smokers the more I became one.

Katie Schmidt

But we hope our findings of an association will lead to further examination of this important issue. Perhaps it will help give smokers one more reason to quit, and encourage quitting smoking among those who are also trying to control their drinking.

Jennifer Glass

What this and other studies like it are showing is that the protection we get from proper diet or supplements often comes from combinations of nutrients working together. This has implications not only for smokers but also for many other people.

Maret Traber

About 15 per cent of lung cancers occur in lifetime never smokers, and besides exposures to second-hand smoke, other risk factors for these cancers are yet to be determined.

Matthew Schabath

The Action Plan provides a blue print for getting proven cessation treatment to literally every smoker in America who wants to quit. This can have enormous benefit for everyone-adding years of life for former smokers and reducing healthcare costs for all Americans. Making the tobacco companies pay for this is only proper.

C. Everett Koop

A lot of kids in high school are not daily smokers. They are sort of social smokers and then they get to college and you see more smoking there than you did before.

Bill Novelli

Smokers need something to do with their hands.

Andy Evans

Even after years of smoking cessation, levels of atherosclerosis are significantly higher in former smokers compared with never-smokers.

Dr. Sachin Agarwal

In a direct fertility testing situation, we can show that two-thirds of smokers have lost some or a lot of their fertilizing capacity.

Lani Burkman

With smokers costing companies about 25 percent more than nonsmokers in the area of health care, it just makes good business sense.

Linda Cushman

Because tobacco is so addictive, we encourage smokers to get help when they decide to quit. Success rates are much higher for those who participate in a program or who visit with someone about the quitting process. We are here to provide that help.

Gloria Pesek

You're just taking it from the smokers and giving it to the eaters.

Rep. Gary Simrill

How much you smoked matters more than how long ago you quit. Smokers should quit as soon as possible, and new smokers should be aware that there will be a lifelong risk. Cessation can reduce risk but it can't erase it.

Dr. Sachin Agarwal

The genetics of susceptibility plays a role in never-smokers developing cancer.

Olga Gorlova

Even after years of smoking cessation, levels of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) are significantly higher in former smokers compared with never-smokers.

Dr. Sachin Agarwal

They were all heavy smokers. Looking back, I would have loved to be able to maintain friendships with those guys.

Jim Palmer

For smokers, alcohol may provide a double whammy. Now we know that once they start drinking, their craving to smoke also increases.

Stephen Tiffany

You can reduce the risk, but you're not going to eliminate it, and you're not going to bring it down very far, ... Last year in the U.S., we crossed the threshold: There are now more former smokers than current smokers. People can see there are 47 million people who are now former smokers, so it's not impossible.

Thomas Glynn

Even though governments have been attacking tobacco companies, there's still a hard core of smokers.

David Liston

We still have several thousand children a day who start smoking every single day in this country and half of them will go on to be chronic smokers.

Richard Carmona

Today more than ever, smokers have a number of resources available to improve their ability to quit.

Jeffrey Koplan

I say to smokers, smoke if you wish to - but not at work, and not in enclosed public spaces.

Shaun Woodward

This is a working-class city with working-class neighborhoods -- lots of smokers, lots of bars. But the pressure is on to do it.

Henry Teune

Essentially, the smokers are being bribed: If you want to smoke, you have to gamble.

Cathy Burke

This is a bad neighborhood. There are lots of crack dealers and crack smokers around here.

Janet Gerber

Patients that enroll in smoking cessation programs on their own are highly motivated to quit, but represent a very small portion of the smoking population. Using an existing health channel to reach smokers who vary in their motivation level to quit could have a significant public health impact.

Belinda Borrelli

Of course, the best-case scenario is if the parents or guardians can quit smoking. But that's not always immediately possible. Another option is for parents to institute a no-smoking rule in the home and the car and allow no exceptions to this rule. It is best if smokers always go outside to smoke, and this strategy may also help the parents to eventually quit.

Jill Halterman

While it is the more the more unusual scenario that someone who never smoked would develop lung cancer, 10 to 15 percent of the cases do occur in non-smokers. One of the major problems is, by the time it's detected, it's often quite far advanced.

Emily Senay