5 quotes about segmented follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Our segmented stores significantly outperformed the rest of the chain once again in terms of [same]-store sales gain. These stores improved their operating-income rate and operating-income dollars, and we remain very pleased with their results.

Brad Anderson

Unlike the information available regarding gay men, it is currently difficult to find a complete body of segmented knowledge regarding lesbians' travel habits.

Bob Witeck

We have segmented the project in what we called aircraft components, manufacturing and development teams.

Noel Forgeard

We'll see a lot of new ways to get content to the consumer at CES. Everyone is trying to find ways of reaching that huge, segmented audience.

Saul Berman

We are not segmented as much as the Anglo market. You will see all those genres in one Spanish concert. We have grown with all those different styles built into us. Anything we can move or sway to, we enjoy.

Gabriel Meza