Working with our global partners to better train our customer base will drive higher levels of customer satisfaction and reduce long-term support costs.

James Hanley

I mistrust the satisfaction which makes a display of the possession of Infinity; that is called fatuity in philosophic terms.

Edgar Quinet

There are few situations in life that cannot be resolved promptly, and to the satisfaction of all concerned, by either suicide, a bag of gold, or thrusting a despised antagonist over a precipice on a dark night.

Ernest Bramah

My satisfaction will be seeing him behind bars, not back out on the street to hurt anyone again. If he wants to be the way he is, so be it, and let him waste away in a mental hospital.

Ed Smart

Touched my soul to the point where I have never felt such satisfaction no possession, no material thing has satisfied me like this.

Zach Johnson

My satisfaction will be seeing him behind bars, not back out on the street to hurt anyone again, ... If he wants to be the way he is so be it, and let him waste away in a mental hospital.

Elizabeth Smart

I get a lot of soul satisfaction by doing something that's good not just for the community but also for the youth involved in the program. I love to hike and backpack, and it feels good to use my interests in a way that benefits a lot of people. Plus it's nice to have a real reason to own an SUV. I need mine for this.

Eric Rosenberg