7 quotes about reverted follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We almost reverted back to what I saw in the past. Live and die by the three. We saw that zone and it looked like we lost our mind.

Guy Shavers

Most can't afford their medication and have reverted back to exhibiting mentally unstable tendencies.

Andrew Stuart

We stopped doing all the little things that we did earlier. We reverted back to some of our old ways and played with not a lot of intensity.

Mike Pomerenke

We really played stagnant on offense. We had a lot of standing. We reverted back to some bad basketball habits.

Todd Minney

If you wanted to use Ray Charles, there was no negotiation. After about 10 years, the masters reverted to him.

Rick Blackburn

Their kids came out and executed better. We got all of our players involved, which is something we don't typically do. When it came to pressure situations, we reverted back to old habits and relied on a couple of kids.

Jason Grubb

We just could not get a rhythm going, you know, nothing consistent. Totally out of character for us. We kind of reverted back to the days of November.

Cheryl Rice