23 quotes about recourse follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We're waiting to conclude our investigation and considering what legal recourse may be appropriate.

Justin Harmon

Your name is on the list and there is no recourse for you as a citizen. If his name is on one list then it could be on other lists I don't even know exist. It is sort of scary. I feel there is no accountability from the government.

Donna Mitchell

We've exhausted everything else. We felt now the only recourse is to let the court decide who the true board is.

Michele Diehl

People are buying animals who are not aware of the circumstances, ... You spend a lot of money, $400 or $500, the animal dies shortly thereafter, and you have no recourse.

Lloyd Levine

If you believe a student has been wrongly tried, and there's a false accusation, there's a recourse to that. I think he made it clear that [anonymous fliers are] inappropriate.

Richael Faithful

It's a mistake on the part of the city. I have no recourse but to take legal suit of action.

Ajoy Chakrabrti

Customers have no recourse unless they can prove that the institution was negligent in the theft.

Matt Bienfang

You feel like you have no recourse. What they say goes.

Wallace Hamilton

[The violations] were accumulating. Your newspaper wrote a very extensive article about the retaining wall issue and that was certainly one of them. The other ones began to emerge, and finally we reached the point where no matter what we got up and said, it didn't account for anything, and we decided this was our only recourse.

David Slipy

This points out the need to have private enforcement. It gives private citizens some recourse to protect themselves.

Howard Foster

But what recourse do they have . . . complain to the publisher?,

Jay Rosen

We most certainly feel it was a worthwhile effort. We're proud of the effort we made to defend our neighborhood and, we believe, the city of Davis as a whole. In part, we felt at the time, it was the only recourse we had left.

Dan Carson

There is far-reaching economic recourse to the state that has not been estimated at this time. That's going to be hard to sell to the public - that they are going to pay for in taxes.

Craig Cohoon

I agree these are annoying flights. We don't have legal recourse yet.

John Singlaub

If you're ordering merchandise I would almost always encourage people to use the credit card, because if something goes wrong you have more recourse.

Jeanne Hogarth

Assurance from the government that they're going to get what they pay for, and that if they don't there will be recourse.

Chris Bentley

People got into court and said, 'Nope, I wasn't in my car,' and we had no recourse at that point.

Lisa Thompson

Everybody should practice simple and virtuous living . They should never seek recourse to manipulative tendencies.

Yajur Veda

Surgery is an option, but the advice we have received from two leading specialists is that the injury may still settle without recourse to an operation.

Dr Peter Gregory

The only remaining recourse is to forward all the charges against Fujimori to an international tribunal.

Alejandro Toledo

This is a good example of why officers need some due process. They need a grievance and arbitration procedure, so if they don't think the action taken by the department is warranted they have some recourse.

Jesse Case

We are a very rural county. Our hands were just tied. Now citizens have a recourse.

Cheryl Johnson

It gives people without more options legal recourse for their problems. In that way it helps to keep our community safe and stable.

Esther Buck