Russia has to show that it's not just a big energy partner but a potentially much bigger energy partner, particularly to the United States.

Christopher Weafer

It will potentially make our junior-high and high-school teams better in the future.

Herb Williams

Future research should try to identify specific infections which could potentially be a trigger. If these are found, it could lead to future preventative measures.

Dr Richard Mcnally

Basically it looks like growth is going to slow down and flatten out. And that could potentially be serious for Nokia.

Simon Fluendy

That can potentially recapture some of the business lost.

Joe Weinert

Our industry is doing well, but this is a serious black cloud -- potentially a hurricane.

Matthew Hart

There's a real fan base in Mexico. That's a very intriguing and potentially very lucrative market for the NFL.

David Carter

Anything that creates a spark is going to start, potentially, a big brush fire.

Victor Hill

We could potentially deliberately deny students education, and I find that very, very troubling.

Sue Gamble

They've really ignored all of the enterprise knowledge that is being managed in their content management environment; that's being stored in databases supporting their different applications, and potentially even in mainframes.

Marc Andrews

We are going to look at potentially sending out the questionnaire with utility bills. That's an option. We'll also try to have something on the city Web site.

Shelli Rushing

Patients shouldn't freak out over it, ... but should be cognizant of it if they really want to minimize the amount of mercury the might potentially be getting.

David Downing

You cannot play with the blood of sons. This is not only an extremely sensitive but also potentially explosive affair.

Azmi Bishara

You'd almost double the sales of the U.S., potentially.

John Calcagnini

It potentially could have an impact, yes.

Tom Condon

We must have these things lined up before a disaster happens, ... We're sorry if we offended people or made people not feel included. After Katrina hit, we were in a crisis mode. Because we were expecting to get potentially 1,000 evacuees, we had to work fast and work smart.

Amy Hall

Their number is in the right ballpark. It could have a substantial effect potentially.

Henry Willmore

This gives us hope that we can potentially prevent and reduce morbidity and do it through dietary and lifestyle means.

Lawrence Appel

Mergers raise concerns about potential anticompetitive effects because mergers could result in greater market power for the merged companies, potentially allowing them to increase prices above competitive levels.

James Wells

It's potentially very significant because it's no secret that there's a split in organized labor. The NEA, which has potentially millions of members, is essentially choosing a side.

Andrew Rotherham

He has potentially opened the door for other people. I've heard from other artists in Texas and elsewhere who say, 'Hey, we pioneered this, it wasn't Troy.' Apparently they're out there.

Phyllis Stark

When I started out particularly in Internet addiction back in 1995, I thought that this could potentially be a major problem. In no way has the hype lived up to what has actually been found in research.

Mark Griffiths

Seemingly harmless office pools can introduce the lure and excitement of gambling to the 5 to 8 percent of the population who cannot handle social gambling. A company-sanctioned office pool may be the first experience a person has with gambling, and employers need to be cautious about potentially problematic activities.

David Greenfield

It's an extremely potentially hazardous product.

Claudia Coles

The market is rallying on the fact that they're talking about another meeting to potentially cut.

Michael Rothman

Every media company should be thinking long and hard about whether search is just a two-horse race or if they could potentially create a third horse.

Richard Greenfield

We (the county executive staff) came up with an extensive list of potentially interested parties and then whittled that list down to nine organizations whom we extended an invitation to participate in the process.

Jennifer Merchant

The fact that households are saving so little, even with strong growth in personal income, is a potentially troubling development.

Joseph Abate

Spending increases in Alberta are cause for concern and could potentially jeopardize the fiscal advantage the province currently enjoys.

Niels Veldhuis

It's better to delay implementation than to move forward before we are ready and potentially jeopardize continuity of care for our members, claims payments for providers or the financial integrity of the department.

Dr. Rhonda Medows

People are going to jail who are not harming anybody. The city is potentially clogging up local courts and jails with no reason to believe it will accomplish anything but waste tax dollars.

Bruce Mirken

This could be the first significant storm in two months. The first potentially, I stress the word potentially.

Bob Ziff

An awful lot of information that potentially could be used in the municipal court hearing was coming out in a Board of Adjustment meeting. The best option for my client was to proceed in municipal court.

Francis P. Linnus

This is developing into a potentially dangerous situation.

Dan Mccarthy

To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth... is potentially to have everything...

Joan Didion

One by one, we can contribute to a growing national dialogue about personal values and civic ideals. One by one, we can help to revive the art of 'deep listening.' And, together, I'm confident we will discover that what can unite is so much greater than what can potentially divide.

Larry Vanderhoef

Yeah, I did what I hoped, what I potentially expected from the year.

Danica Patrick

It could potentially be a very competitive race.

Bill Luther

This leads to the question of how many places there are in the universe where life could potentially have developed.

Horst Uwe Keller

Don't count BSX out yet. We expect BSX to continue to pursue GDT by potentially modifying or increasing its $72/share offer.

Larry Biegelsen

I think it is something that the Street has to take on board as potentially signaling that the Fed may do a little bit more.

Steve Ricchiuto

This could potentially increase the gridlock in Collier, which is already bad, and negate the progress they've made in recent years.

Keith Arnold

In the name of participatory democracy, President George W. Bush's Arab reform policies are actively enfranchising radical Islamist parties with armed militias: in Iraq, where they form the government; in Lebanon, where Hezbollah now holds government ministries; and now, potentially, in Palestine.

Yossi Alpher

We have six freshmen on the team and they are really talented, and I knew we were going to be good, but you never know how we will do until we get out there. But potentially, the sky is the limit for this team.

Thomas R. Kelly

Litigation is potentially much larger when you vaccinate healthy people.

Daniel Vasella

The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.

Adrienne Rich

That would have potentially huge consequences for the (European) draw and that's not a position you would want to leave yourself in.

Declan Kidney

It's an opportunity to create something over time that would potentially make a big difference to books, literacy, and reading.

Gerry Byrne

This is like putting all your chips on number 27 and spinning a roulette wheel. There is so much potentially bad that could happen, and it's not necessary to do it.

Daniel Mcconchie

We have been constantly growing along with the region. Along with the opportunities we find it to be, aside from being one of the most exciting places in the world, I think [it is] commercially one of the most potentially rewarding places that I know of.

David Komansky

The prosecutor and I have seldom, if at all, experienced an investigation being potentially ruined at such an early stage.

Leif Silbersky

This would likely allow them to go down market, and potentially not hurt the major Juniper brand depending on how they do it. If you are going to be in the enterprise market at all, no point being half pregnant. Might as well go all the way.

Mark Seery

They don't have personally identifiable information but they do have IP addresses that are potentially identifiable with an individual.

Peter Norvig

Just because it doesn't smell doesn't mean it isn't spoiled. Potentially hazardous things like ground meats, eggs and milk may go bad the quickest and you may not know it. Those are things that bacteria like to live on.

Lois Illick

Under no circumstance should potentially dangerous weapons be allowed onboard an aircraft.

Patricia Friend

We were concerned for members' health and comfort but also the situation was potentially dangerous in that cars could slip.

Doug Brandy

You're looking at potentially disrupting train travel for thousands of people.

Malcolm Smith

Moving forward with this complex means planting a stake in the ground, from which we will advance this potentially life-saving science.

Douglas Melton

This is only going to give us potentially a really, really good run.

Jacques Couture

Not only are we conducting an investigation to understand how (the listening device was placed inside the building), the second part of that is do a damage assessment ... as to what (information) potentially could have been lost by the introduction of this device.

Neil Gallagher

If we ignored this violation, you could have potentially 20 to 30 people standing out in front of the (FEMA) center, obstructing things. We've got a duty and a job under the law.

Dean Boyd

Potentially many thousands of animals.

Ian Wilmut

This is a very, very positive opening, potentially.

Judith Kipper

We're talking about potentially blighting one of the most historic districts in Buffalo.

Richard Lippes

That isn't to prejudge what the nature and arrangements will be for Russian participation in KFOR, nor has Russia decided categorically that it is going to be part of KFOR, ... potentially quite dangerous.

Strobe Talbott

Will it open some doors? Potentially. But I still think those are doors that will remain the way they are. I don't see his hiring changing the way colleges coaches hire.

Barry Lunney

What that tells me is they know it is potentially going to be a bloodbath and they don't want to get in the middle of it.

Scott Buchanan

It is potentially dangerous for democracy. It could lead to an authoritarian exercise of power.

Teodoro Petkoff

Assume that 48 percent of consumers were afraid to go to the mall because they could potentially be hijacked. What would Congress do then?

Steve Solomon

Should allow investors to better gauge the impact from a potentially lumpy income stream.

Steve Milunovich

It's important that we think about fresh poultry containing potentially harmful bacteria.

Michael Doyle

Parents cannot be expected to deal with these issues on their own. The US government must act to assist parents and ensure that products on the market are not potentially harmful for children.

Meghan Purvis

Anytime you have something that potentially can have a negative impact on what you are doing every day, you need to become aware of what you should do to keep yourself and your family safe when you are in that environment.

Tom Sanders

Such information at the molecular level is vital to gain insights into the pathogenesis of malaria, and potentially offers the opportunity to develop better drugs.

Subra Suresh

If so the numbers they could have could be five or ten or potentially more.

Bruce Bennett

It could potentially have a small, short-term impact on gold, depending on what they decide to do with the hedging within Placer Dome.

Victor Flores

Clearly homeland security has become more of an issue since Sept. 11. Both these companies have technologies that could expose them to rapidly growing, potentially large markets over the next couple of years.

Joseph Nadol

People tend to believe that things in the universe are potentially interconnected. In a complicated world, magic gives people a sense of control.

Phil Stevens

We are potentially looking at tens of thousands of pounds. The Hirst and the McCartney are star lots.

Bernard Williams

We are potentially the most dangerous agency in the country.

Louis Freeh

When I made the decision to leave I could have potentially been in an election just two to three days after. Mr. Emerson campaigned as a Liberal and just a few days after the election made the decision to leave.

Belinda Stronach

All of these new discoveries have to be looked at in context, ... And while this is a potentially important piece of work É it's quite clear that we will not be able to use these cells in the same way as ES cell derivatives could be used.

Brian Duncan

Every ingredient is potentially fatal.

Rob Savage

There is a concern that some of your actions and your comments . . .were unnecessary and potentially influenced OPP officers... and may have contributed, or precipitated the use of unnecessary force.

Murray Klippenstein

This is drastic and potentially unfair and is a dynamite charge. I can't imagine how you forcing them is going to help.

Bill Schultz

I think it's very positive in the sense that ... potentially Japan is returning to a more normal business cycle, a more normal inflation situation.

Andrew Milligan

There's a lot of infrastructure being talked about, a lot of liquefied natural gas discussions going on. All those things are going to help moderate and potentially mitigate pricing. But I don't think we'll go back to $2 (per 1,000 cubic feet) where it was in the 1990s, but hopefully it won't stay at $10 or $12 (per 1,000 cubic feet), either.

Jeff Keebler

It does show how one person, one case, can potentially spread the disease to a considerable number of people.

Julie Hall

The huge responsibility we have is that we have to answer to our customers, and our customers represent potentially hundreds of millions of different configurations.

Stephen Toulouse

It is potentially an interesting alternative to Gallup polls or to specialists reporting from the region. It's a way of going directly to individuals in the region or outside who have knowledge or interest in the political and economic events in the area.

Charles Polk

We definitely have the latest run on record, and we potentially could have the worst on record.

Robert Stansell

You have to think the race is potentially close, in which case you unload the big guns.

David Crockett

I think I may be in - potentially - three classics. That sounds like I'm bragging.

Tom Sizemore

If this is true, it could potentially be a very serious problem for Intel. It could lead to demands for a recall of the chip.

Austin Hill

When people want information about potentially sensitive subject areas, they should be able to search for that freely and anonymously. If the government is conducting fishing expeditions, people are going to be chilled.

Aden Fine

I think if anything, interest rates will stay still or decline and that could potentially offset the petrol issue.

Gary Perlstein

There is no upside in this (for the Liberals). There is potentially only downside.

Nelson Wiseman

The law is designed to create clarity. What it potentially does is take products that are safe and make it appear as if there is some cause for concern.

John Faulkner

Every treatment can potentially have an adverse effect. Everybody knows even two aspirins for a headache has a bad effect for someone somewhere. On balance, positive effects have to outweigh the negative.

Barry Tepperman

Potentially, you're looking at a company that has very little revenue growth for the next few years because of patent expirations.

Michael Krensavage

They do not want him out [of jail] because he could potentially register as a candidate for president and easily win if he has the support of Aristide.

Ira Kurzban

Potentially, it's going to be a difficult decision for the SRA.

Lynn Duncan

If we look at consolidating L Avenue and Key Lane, we could potentially look at funding more of that cost.

Patrick Halsted

This is a very powerful tool, potentially with a bidirectional metaphor. It's indexing all this stuff on your desktop and doing something on the Web. Who's to say that's not a potential breach?

James Governor

We didn't want to sit on it any longer, based upon the respect we have for the patients and the risk it could potentially create.

David Fox

But we also found out there are opportunities. There are hundreds of high school students who are not eligible for district busing. Metro could potentially pick up a need there. There are kids who are being transported by private cars.

Larry Mead

Already, this is the deadliest year in 10 years and knowing that the hottest part of the year is a month from being over, we are potentially looking at a disaster.

Christian Ramirez

It's a potentially huge market, but it's not a developed market. Telecom companies [in the U.S.] are bullish on China. They've been ahead of schedule for equipment manufacturing. But I don't know about the near term. China is still laying down phone lines.

Aydin Tuncer

We're proposing to increase the level of aircraft safety by reducing the potentially explosive ingredient of flammable fuel vapors.

Marion Blakey

It's too early to say, but the damage (to the tourism industry) is potentially in the tens of millions of dollars.

Chris James

Potentially somebody said something to the juror about a news report, which is really bad.

William Healy

The securities issue is potentially lethal for him. He has not yet really explained why he did this at this particular time.

Jan Baran

This was a way for him to reduce his equity exposure and sell into a potentially peak market.

George Sutton

It is a potentially hazardous food and you just want to get the meat up to the proper temperature before it is served.

Helena Barton

Warnings were administered, ... This gas is more than inconvenient. It really hurts, it stings, and it's intended to drive people away in a potentially violent situation.

Norm Stamper

Well, you potentially could plant a lower allergy garden, but while you're out there planting it, you will bombarded by oak pollen, maples, grasses.

Keith Phillips

We're seeing some of the effects already - massive forest die-offs, outbreaks of severe forest fires. Whatever affects the watershed is potentially devastating.

Tom Swetnam

Absolutely we will with players of that level and potentially of that impact for us. But I'd like to think and I'm pretty confident that those decisions will get made in a timely manner.

Greg Hamilton

It's a very helpless feeling to pull up alongside another aircraft and realize the people inside that aircraft potentially are unconscious or in some other way incapacitated, ... And there's nothing I can do physically from my aircraft -- even though I'm 50 to 100 feet away -- to help them at all.

Chris Hamilton

These are simply things that could potentially draw additional meeting planners into the area.

Eddie Canaday

This one feels particularly risky to me because it's potentially people making decisions from afar and without any kind of emotional attachment to the paper.

Zack Stalberg

This would be for Incline and Crystal Bay only. If approved to make this effective we will have to make code amendments to specify details, to (potentially) allow this use.

Eva Krause

It's to have an exhaustive look at the matter, not only from the standpoint of potentially assigning responsibility but finding out what happened and making recommendations of a systemic nature so that it doesn't happen again.

Eugene Fidell

It is worrying that companies are applying for licences that cannot possibly be granted. It will potentially waste time and money by people attending hearings when the applicants have no chance of succeeding.

Eric Roberts

You're looking at decades. But I also think you're potentially looking at hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars.

Eric Epstein

Why have the executable and run the code and potentially cause problems? Making it widely available to people and highlighting it in effect makes people know it's possible.

Enrique Salem

There are also many extra demands placed on the flag-bearer that potentially take away from the preparation (for competition) and which can be a distraction. A number of athletes choose not to take on that added responsibility because they believe their first responsibility is to perform at their absolute maximum.

Emery Holmik

At the end of the day, you want to have a healthy balanced diet with real food and then you can work in some of these functional foods that offer, potentially, some greater health benefits.

Elisa Zied

Along with the overreaching department plan, each combatant commander must have a plan in place to address pandemic influenza, a potentially very infectious disease. Some people may be sick for a while, and the commanders have to project how this could affect their ability to perform the mission.

Ellen Embrey

This is potentially a huge problem that is going to confront the state in the next 20 to 40 years.

Edward Martinko

The sending off was a turning point to a certain extent. For me it is not even a sending off, it was a minor incident that was blown out of proportion and overshadows what was potentially a great game of football.

Eidur Gudjohnsen

This grand jury is done. They referred it over to the next grand jury for some further investigation. Potentially, we may hear from some more witnesses.

Eddie Montgomery