13 quotes about pathways follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We spent a couple of hours removing some bricks, some large stones ... and trying to create some more holes and more pathways to see if we can come in contact with the animal.

Mike Pastore

These are pathways to self-sufficiency.

Linda Mellowes

The exact curriculum has yet to be hammered out. But there are also plans for some interpretive trails with information markers along pathways that the general public could enjoy.

Rich Wright

This study demonstrates the importance of familial factors in the general development of cancer. These susceptibility factors can be environmental but are more likely to be influenced by genetic factors because genes control pathways common to a number of cancers.

Olga Gorlova

We have evidence that the compounds protect against Alzheimer's by influencing the early gene expression in learning and memory, which influences cell signaling pathways that help neuronal cells communicate with each other.

James Joseph

We are not going to agree to (Pathway's) adoption unless we have at least what we do now.

Rochelle Nason

As we better understand the molecular pathways that account for newborns' susceptibility to infections, we can leverage them to enhance their immune defenses.

Ofer Levy

One of the issues we are working with the government on, we're begging them, we need more pathways. It's the wireless information highway; we need the asphalt for that highway.

Tom Wheeler

I support the re-establishment of the pathways that were agreed upon.

Andy Davis

I can't think of a single disease that doesn't have something to do with networks and pathways.

Alan Waggoner

We're open May through October, and we've just renovated the towpath trail. We've made some new pathways, and there's a new bridge over one of the locks. We're also completely handicapped-accessible, now.

Jeanne Bollendorf

You have to re-educate that leg as to its muscle-firing patterns, the nerve pathways, so you can walk and run again.

Angelo Colosimo

We're opening different pathways in your brain that help you do different things easier.

Elizabeth Markell