16 quotes about override follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have not studied all of them. Many of them may be sound, while there may be others that merit override consideration.

Paul Larrabee

Proposition 76 would override the voter protection on local government funding, ... Nothing else would allow anyone to dip into those funds.

John Laird

Very, very disappointed with the governor's decision. I am going to contact the senator's office and the assemblyman's office and see if there are enough votes out there to override the veto.

John Burns

Right now we got the votes for an override.

Sen Dave Zien

Every year, legislators override the statute. It's a serious issue for our members. We want to ensure the benefit will be there.

Rosemary Coyle

If you're creative, if you can think independently, if you can articulate passion, if you can override the fear of being wrong, then your company needs you now more than it ever did. And now your company can no longer afford to pretend that isn't the case.

Hugh Macleod

Our job is to serve each tribe. We don't supplant their authority; we do not override their authority. We can only exercise the authority they grant us.

Charles Hudson

I think if we override, it's incumbent on us to say where we're going to go. We can't keep throwing it back to him; that's irresponsible.

Councilman Gary Okino

Being a "good" mother does not call for the same qualities as being a "good" housewife. . . . a dedication to keeping children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate development as individuals.

Ann Oakley

Doubt cannot override a certainty.

The Talmud

At the high school we lost all kinds of things. So the next year we became active in getting the override to pass, and it did pass, so we got all those positions back.

Jean Perry

We don't get to vote on an override, nor do we get to veto. That is clearly the domain of the governor and the Legislature.

Paul Larrabee

But there are a couple of places where it is clear to me that there should be no ambiguity of corporate responsibility - the environment and civil rights. As a corporation, you cannot let the desire for unanimity override your obligation for fairness.

Leo Hindery

One of the first things we are going to have to deal with is the override of vetoes.

James Malone

Cell phones give a false sense of security. Technology will not override the need to know where you are.

Andrew Knapp

He embodied the hubris that so marked the last turn of the century when America believed it could do whatever it wanted, wherever it wanted, and could even override nature.

Erik Larson