38 quotes about orientation follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

What we see with those affluent consumers is they bring their middle-class values into the luxury market, so they're really the middle-class luxury class. They are looking for discounts and sales and they buy the majority of their luxury goods on sales or [at] discount. They have this middle-class orientation and they know how to save money.

Pam Danziger

I think she's in a good place now, quite comfortable with who she is. I don't think she's been comfortable with all the fame and glory. I think she finds that harder to accept than who she is in regard to her sexual orientation.

Rosie Casals

Most of the elder gay men have wives and children, but they are hiding their sexual orientation from their family. The wives live a miserable life with husbands who cannot love them.

Liu Shujie

Orientation is very important because students who don't have a lot of experience on campus need the opportunity to come to campus and to learn where things are and the resources that they have on campus and the things we have for them to be involved and become a true part of campus if they are able to do so.

Allyson Wilson

I filmed them in their (cultural orientation) classes in Kenya. They opened up very quickly to me. I was very moved by that and attributed that to a wonderful interpreter that I found whom they trusted.

Anne Makepeace

Every orientation presupposes a disorientation.

Hans Magnus Enzensberger

[Kodak] had been looking at it in an added-value orientation ... [while] Fuji just kept going for price-cutting.

Wendy Abramowitz

We just completed the orientation process for 40 new hires from other facilities, and we are looking to hire more. Some may return to their home hospitals, but for others there will be no hospital to return to.

Chris Coffey

It's no longer a concept that there are gay people. You can actually see them, so it makes it a lot more difficult for someone to mistreat someone because of their sexual orientation.

Sterling Washington

Our message is of truth, love and faith in a peaceful, respectful manner. We are created by God in God's image and God loves us. Orientation is not an issue with God.

Jennifer Hall

It's certainly a process of orientation. Because there are more choices for students, we need to provide more information for parents and families.

Cheryl O'brien

At some level, this [reorganization] is clearly a response to Google because of Microsoft's historic orientation around the fat client and traditional operating system and applications.

Gordon Haff

There's a lot of orientation that has to be done, because school nursing is a unique discipline.

Mamie Coker

The two Britons ... never made contact with the [International Solidarity Movement], never registered to join us and never attended our mandatory training and orientation. There is in fact no connection to be made.

Huwaida Arraf

Allowing Kentucky to legally discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation is morally wrong and is a disservice to the people of the commonwealth.

Jo Wyrick

The irony is that this inward orientation doesn't ensure survival. In fact, it guarantees the opposite -- irrelevance, obsolescence and death.

Craig Cochran

During the orientation, we set a quit date. But they don't quit until several weeks into the program.

Tammy Anderson

Have they thought about putting maps on the campus itself? I know they do it for orientation.

Adam Marcoux

They wanted to fire one X-ray photon at a hydrogen molecule, knock both electrons back, and the two nuclei would explode apart. Then, they wanted to catch all four particles and figure out the orientation of the molecule in space: how far apart were the nuclei, where did the electrons go for that orientation and what were their distances.

William Mccurdy

By legislating a two-tier system of relationships, Labor (government) has, in effect, created a form of legal apartheid based on sexual orientation.

Peter Tatchell

Grace is everywhere as an active orientation of all created reality toward God.

Karl Rahner

He's made it clear that he doesn't consider sexual orientation. We just want to hire the best and brightest attorneys.

Tucker Martin

Volunteer nurses that are working in other areas of the community come to us and went through Red Cross orientation.

Nedra Turney

This completely revolutionized the orientation to online overnight. Literally millions of people were donating online...that was the beginning of a general belief that anyone would donate online.

Harry Gruber

For decades now, the scientific and medical community have said that sexual orientation is an immutable trait, what some of us might call a gift from God.

Harry Knox

It is certainly OK for anybody in an official capacity of the Church to minister to and be receptive to people with a same-sex orientation. As long as he follows the dictates of the Church.

Dennis Mcgrath

If we had an emergency, we would have to have some type of orientation.

Sarah Burkholder

It rarely works. The only time it genuinely works is if the actor has some musical ability and orientation.

Christopher Sharrett

We're asking that they are not allowed to discriminate, harass, or abuse wards, based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex.

Lois Perrin

We're totally opposed to inserting sexual orientation into textbooks in our schools. This is more than just accepting it, it's forcing our kids to embrace it, almost celebrate it.

Karen England

Just the fact the movie is out there has a positive effect and presents an element of diversity to Americans. The exposure of sexual orientation and diversity in America is important to all elements of our society.

Maria Salas

What difference does it make if I bash your head open because of your race or sexual orientation? It doesn't matter. Your head is broken open. The reason I did it should be of less concern than my actions.

William Schroeder

We were noticing an increase in these problems. We couldn't go to freshman orientation anymore and tell parents there were no problems with the old system.

Bryan White

This is something that can affect all of us, regardless of age, sex, race, or sexual orientation.

Colin Doyle

So the club is not based on the members' sexual orientation.

Michael Calderone

It shows the powerful effects of growing up in this country. They have come from a place with a different orientation toward education.

Don Bowen

Arrangements like these should be available to all who need them. To limit them based on sexual orientation is highly discriminatory.

Tom Minnery

They have appealed through an improved quality of store, more merchandise, bilingual orientation and paid attention to the nostalgia market with products made in Mexico.

Earl De Berge