12 quotes about nobler follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist on being right - especially when one is right.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Most are engaged in business the greater part of their lives, because the soul abhors a vacuum and they have not discovered any continuous employment for man's nobler faculties.

Henry David Thoreau

Our character...is an omen of our destiny, and the more integrity we have and keep, the simpler and nobler that destiny is likely to be.

George Santayana

Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts, and his higher nature -- and another woman to help him forget them.

Helen Rowland

To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!

H. L. Mencken

Conquering kings their titles take / From the foes they captive make: / Jesus, by a nobler deed,/ From the thousands He hath freed.

John Chandler

The experience of ages has shown that a man who works on the land is purer, nobler, higher, and more moral... Agriculture should be at the basis of everything. That's my idea.

Nikolai Gogol

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.

Lin Yutang

It is noble to teach oneself, it is still nobler to teach others.

Mark Twain

By faithful study of the nobler arts, our nature's softened, and more gentle grows.


'Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

David Borenstein

There is an education of the mind / Which all require and parents only start. / But there is training of a nobler kind / And that's the education of the heart. / Lessons that are most difficult to give / Are Faith and Courage and the way to live.

Edgar A. Guest