7 quotes about mistreatment follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This command does not condone the mistreatment of enemy combatants or the desecration of their religious and cultural beliefs.

Jason Kamiya

We are shocked and dismayed at the mistreatment and abuse displayed in these images.

Dorothea Krimitsas

Victims of bullying should keep a log of their mistreatment, so that any allegations can be substantiated.

Hernan Daguerre

From my point of view any kind of mistreatment of one taxpayer or one employee is one too many.

Charles Rossotti

Army reports and Army information, where the Army was looking into allegations and sorting out the situation about detainee mistreatment.

Paul Boyce

Mistreatment — that's not happening.

Thomas Bock

Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it.

Rosa Parks