10 quotes about lewinsky follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We can't deprive the paying members of their golf, even for an ex-president. But it would have been a buzz for the ladies. There's no Monica Lewinsky here -- we're better.

Wendy Alley

When bin Laden bombed the embassies in '98, what TV and print were obsessed with was not terrorism -- but Monica Lewinsky.

Todd Gitlin

Did you have an extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky?

Paula Jones

She was not the hapless Monica Lewinsky of her time. She was a James Carville.

Camilla Townsend

The President has apologized for his activities with Monica Lewinsky. These were too little, too late, in my opinion.

Barbara Cubin

If Clinton had told the truth about the Lewinsky evidence, Jones would be in no better position than she is now.

Michael Dorf

(Lewinsky) doesn't sound crazy. She sounds fragile, as if she is in an extremely difficult spot.

Clinton Case

The two people who know the most about this are Monica Lewinsky and President William Jefferson Clinton.

Bill Mccollum

Logs Show About 3 Dozen Lewinsky Visits.

Monica Lewinsky

Miss Lewinsky continues to be, in her own way, an impressive witness.

Ed Bryant