7 quotes about kayaking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have boats for every budget here, everything from a kayak or canoe to a $1.6 million yacht.

Kelly Kaylor

That's not including any leisure activities such as golf, fishing or kayaking.

Jeff Mielke

I have seen women come into the sport, not gaining a lot of confidence. I try and make kayaking accessible to women.

Anna Levesque

Then I felt something and (I) looked down and this shark brushed my kayak.

Dan Lankheit

I get to know them so well. They ask, 'where have you been kayaking?' ... It's an escape for them.

Lindsay Burrows

It's been disastrous. Basically, the kayak rentals are down to practically none.

Ted Choi

That's a positive sign for how she would react to a boat or kayak later on.

Karl Mayer