33 quotes about hunters follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Hunters said that bears were going off the bait a week ago in favor of acorns.

Kevin Morgan

Since the 1980s, the number of hunters has gone down and there's more deer, so it's kind of a snowball effect. More deer, less hunters.

Lebron James

I won't be coaching at the Hunters next year, and I won't coach in the NBL again.

Adrian Hurley

We've done it before; we can't keep doing it. We're not bounty hunters.

Colin Wallace

I kept asking the hunters, 'just get me out of here.

Jeff Moore

Time and again, hunters said it happened so fast that when they shot, the bear fell right at their feet.

Chuck Schwartz

Other states have found that younger hunters are safe hunters.

Lenny Rees

You just want them to charge right in there and make the geese fly. And these guys are not bothered by the fact that they haven't caught the geese. They're herders, not hunters. Chasing the geese is just a game to them.

Tom Totten

There were 35 hunters in there on that hunt, and only Doug and one other hunter got a bird. I had to feel like the hand of God was on our shoulders on that one.

Mark Gore

There was no difference between what Neanderthals and modern humans could do [as hunters]. Both of them were wolves with knives.

John Shea

For a lot of us, whether we like it or not, we are attached to Hunter's coattails. We might as well make them grand coattails.

George Stranahan

By limiting the permits to one per day per hunter it will avoid hoarding and allow hunters equal opportunities at available permits.

Dnr Secretary Scott Hassett

It was a professional job - just like bounty hunters. It's a major enterprise.

Richard Newman

We're not there to help hunters. We can educate them, but assisting them is out of the question.

Stephany Seay

Our division is very strong, and we've got a target on us. We used to be the hunters, and now we're the hunted.

Jon Cooper

We had an incident where a gator got hold of one hunter's dog. The dog got loose somehow, but it cost the man around $700 after rushing his dog to the vet.

Keith Mcdaniel

I always encourage veteran hunters to try to take an adult. It can be a little more difficult, but it is a fun challenge.

Jack Waymire

He was bored. And this is what's going to happen to the younger hunters if [the commission] doesn't put some more game in front of them.

Carl Pardoe

It was one of those cases that we always warn hunters about that you never fire if you don't know where that slug is going to end up.

Rod Slings

We're asking consumers to be aware of who funds the whale hunters, and to let them know that whaling is bad for business.

Steve Shallhorn

Let's get them out there and see if they're interested. If they are, they can go through hunter's safety when they turn 12.

Rep. Scott Gunderson

We always have some duck and goose hunters on the water. But it has not been that way this year you just can't do anything with it.

Charlie Mcclain

Some turkey hunters thought I had something good. I thought I did too.

Archie Taylor

I think we're in really good territory, with a lot of hunters, a lot of sportsmen and a lot of NRA members.

Andrew Arulanandam

Don't feed the bears. Either directly or indirectly. It is the kiss of death to a bear. Hunters, don't leave food around camp. Homeowners, don't leave your garbage where the bears can get it. And don't give them handouts either.

Doug Cottam

Hunters are responsible for a lot more than just going out and taking a deer or a buck.

Gary Morris

This is a great opportunity for hunters to extend their hunting season this fall.

Dave Ware

The JGB market got a lift from a pullback in equity prices here, with bargain hunters emerging.

Masahiro Kami

There are no lazy veteran lion hunters.

Norman R. Augustine

They are not just passing through. That means it's very easy for hunters to educate them. These birds know how to avoid the gun, and they do a very good job of avoiding hunters.

Todd Sanders

There will be confusion. Hunters, agency staff and vendors are confused by the ongoing change.

Dnr Secretary Scott Hassett

The South Side looks for a better buy. Sox fans are bargain-hunters.

Eric Soderholm

It's hard to keep hunters out of the woods. So we are trying to make everyone aware.

Ernie Murray