If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell.

Lance Armstrong

My cancer scare changed my life. I'm grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life.

Olivia Newton john

Cancer affects all of us, whether directly or indirectly. When you hear the words.

Cynthia Guariglia

If these were cancer or heart patients, there would be a public outcry.

Richard Kramer

The cancer field has led the way in the most remarkable way.

David Weatherall

For a preventable cancer, that's too bad.

Leslie Christenson

No one should die of colon cancer; it is so curable if caught early.

Nancy Freeman

Unremarkable...a journey through cancer, chemotherapy and healing.

Ruth Adams

This is her whole thing, ... cancer is something she has. It is not who she is.

Andrea Hall

That's where the idea came from that exercise might affect risk for breast cancer.

Brian Henderson

For most men, [breast cancer] is not a hereditary thing, but it's more likely to be hereditary in men than in women.

Debbie Saslow

The negative consequences of cancer are substantial and unappreciated.

Sheldon Greenfield

I just feel like I'm out there fighting for them. I just would like for (cancer) to go away.

Leah Randle

Here was a man who was 90 years old, who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had already had a heart attack.

Kent Richland

Movies are fun, but they're not a cure for cancer.

Warren Beatty

If you get breast cancer it is because you're biologically vulnerable.

David Spiegel

Most men don't deal with cancer well.

Tom Keilty

Mom didn't have breast cancer, it was another form. Still, this was all about them.

Brent White

We've been very focused on curing brain cancer, which we now do in about 68 percent of the kids.

Paul Fisher

We're the official cancer institute for the state.

Susan Robinson

The creator who could put a cancer in a believer's stomach is above being interfered with by prayers.

Bret Harte

Number one, it's because breast cancer continues to increase.

Ahmedin Jemal

They have the best cancer registries in the world, going back almost 50 years.

Joseph Mclaughlin

There's your life before cancer and your life after cancer. I can't say I wish it didn't happen, because I've learned so much because of it.

Rebecca Bluestone

Jealousy... is a mental cancer.

B. C. Forbes

Cigarettes cause lung cancer. It's as simple as that.

Brendan Sullivan

My aunt, she's dying of cancer. If I can't help her, I can help somebody else.

Krystal Wilson

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when Leanne was at boot camp.

Judy Dolecki

She has a less than 1 percent chance of (the cancer) returning.

Jennifer Kelly

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The League

If I had that much lower risk of getting breast cancer, that would be significant to me.

Michelle Schuppe

When you're a cancer survivor, the good thing is that you get checked all the time.

Joe Murray

It's a curable type of cancer. Whatever will happen will happen.

Adam Young

Probably it's going to cost a lot, and most people are not going to have cancer, but how else are you going to find the people who do?

Lloyd Smith

Because cancer does not sleep, neither will we for this one day.

Lynn Brown

What affects prostate cancer may also have implications for breast cancer as well.

Dean Ornish

He's really funny. He doesn't make light of cancer, but he laughs at himself.

Sherry Abraham

This person has cancer and treatment should be given.

Cristina Gallach

We need biomarkers that tell us how the cancer will behave.

Sudhir Srivastava

There's nothing else you can take that has this ability to prevent cancer.

Cedric F. Garland

The cancer had just gotten too much for him. He couldn't take the radiation. It's so sad.

Marcella Piper

There's a place where I want to drop my bombs and there's a place where I don't want to drop my bombs. and where I want to drop those bombs is based on probability of where cancer may lie.

Brian Butler

If organ size is not regulated properly, you have cancer.

Duojia Pan

These things are growing like a cancer on our city.

Bob Loy

It is reasonable to question whether this aluminum could then influence breast cancer.

Dr Philippa Darbre

It is the most common cancer in America and the treatment choices are some of the most difficult.

Leslie Michelson

It (cancer) didn't make me a better person. It made me think about things a little different.

Yuman Donna Phipps

She never really admitted she had cancer.

Patricia Mckinney

Lung cancer incidence was higher among African-Americans and Hawaiians.

Christopher Haiman

If you had the cure to cancer wouldn't you share it? ... You have the cure to death ... get out there and share it.

Kirk Cameron

Both drugs lower the risk of developing breast cancer by 50%.

Dr. Lora Weiselberg

They are at a good age to tell, they understand what cancer is, but they don't agonise.

Harry Thompson

Cancer doesn't stop. And neither should we.

Bill Stark

What you're talking about here is a cancer and you have to cut it out, ... You can't use Band-Aids.

Jeanine Pirro

I was scared and didn't really know much about cancer and how bad it really was.

Brian Goff

Suspicion is the cancer of friendship.

Francesco Petrarch

I have a list of teachers that have had cancer, thyroid problems, allergy problems.

Regina Underwood

The danger in that is that you find yourself promoting cancer.

Christopher Buckley

The truth has come out. He's been battling cancer. This whole experience has not been good for him.

John Lachance

It's like putting a Band-Aid on cancer.

Bill Lane

It's therapy. That's what it is, it's therapy. I am living with cancer, but I'm not going to die of cancer. I'm going to die of old age.

George Dacy

She went from living this normal life to living a cancer life.

Julie Scherf

I felt very strongly about (fighting cancer).

Michele Maffei

The only model for studying human cancer is humans.

Ira Mellman

These are cancer victims and survivors who are close to me.

Kevin Adams

If someone has an infection, we can't help that. Broken spine, cancer. There are some things we can't help with.

Michael Leroux

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.

Edward Abbey

Uncontrolled cell growth is the hallmark of cancer.

Alan Lau

For those of us who have been diagnosed with cancer, time is a precious commodity.

Larry Lucchino

More men die of jealousy than of cancer.

Joseph P. Kennedy

Cancer didn't throw her down. She didn't miss a beat usually.

Tami Hall

There are some people that absolutely denied they had cancer. Some had a lot of anger.

Dr. Robert Birdwell

She wrote her thesis about the form of cancer Eric had.

Linda Klucar's

We all have children and realize cancer can hit any of them at any time.

Kevin Granberg

In a controlled setting it was better than PSA or DRE in figuring out who had cancer and who didn't.

Simon Hall

He was a healthy guy. No one believed it would be cancer.

Karen Kokjohn

We don't completely understand why they develop lung cancer.

Jay Brooks

It's a family thing. (Cancer) affects everyone around that individual.

Roger Landry

It's not a cancer issue; it's a preventative issue. She's doing fine.

Mike Terry

[This] has revealed the cancer in the body of Christ.

David Schofield

Breast cancer: Where we are and what lies ahead.

Susan Love

When he had cancer, we both stopped talking to God for a while.

Bonnie Shuman

China may not view it (Disney) as a cancer, but it won't accept it that easily.

James Sung

As San Antonio is to breast cancer, we want this to be for prostate cancer.

Eric Small

You can never be assured of removing all breast tissue. But it is a huge reduction in breast cancer.

Emily Harris

Cancer ravaged her body, but it never took her spirit away. She was a fighter to the end.

Elaine Gampel