67 quotes about bonding follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I don't think there's anything new. It's that the mood in the bond market is horrible.

Bruce Alston

Everybody had an opinion for or against ... With the school bond, people are much more ambivalent.

George Carter

At the same time, there are worries that bond yields may be rising.

Ian Harnett

The (bond) market has a better tone to it.

Richard Gilhooly

The bond was full of pork and spending and tax increases.

Rod Benfield

Bond was something we knew about but never got to see. We wanted to watch but we were too young.

Anthony Lewis

I do. It really does give the opportunity to establish that bond with the customers.

David Sternblitz

We got a bond he could easily make, and he's out and there's no court order protecting the kids.

Dave Warren

It's been really easy to bond. There is a lot of enthusiasm, joking and having fun.

Walter Beck

Bond. James Bond.

Ian Fleming

They bond with the volunteer that they're working with.

Debbie Kaplan

The bond market is very excited about this inflation data.

Matthew Alexy

We have a common bond, us dancers. We are one big community.

Anwar Nasir

He had become like a family member. He didn't have anybody else here and I didn't have anybody else here, so it was a strong bond.

Donna Hollen Bolmgren

Love is the bond of perfection.

John Winthrop

There was this close, close family bond.

Helen Glassman

Rising bond yields are clearly bad for stock markets.

Javier Angulo

It may require some bor­row­ing, using the village's bond­ing agreement.

Steve Schultz

It?s so beneficial for us. To get to go away and bond as a team is a wonderful thing.

Rich Papirio

We need to build them soon to get the maximum use of our bond money.

Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler

Is there going to be a large bond package? Absolutely. Our growth is large.

Patti Head

It'll be a milestone if Sri Lanka can do an international bond.

Desmond Soon

You form a common bond with people who go through the same thing you do.

Geoffrey Braunsberg

We anticipate that with this bond election, we will be able to do the same thing we did in 2000. We don't expect this to have an impact on the tax rate.

Ray Laughter

I could get into bed with James Bond, then take my false leg off and it would really be a gun.

Heather Mills

I will not bond. I will not share. I refuse to nuture.

Denis Leary

Every once in a while the bond market does believe Greenspan.

Amy Crews Cutts

The bond market is collapsing. What goes up must come down.

Andrew Brenner

We've got to bond together. We're all we've got out there.

Rosell Ellis

The First Bond of Society is Marriage.


The fact that she caught a charge here does not revoke her bond in Texas.

John Rekowski

There are no bond market vigilantes out there right now.

Brad Setser

Once a Bond fan, always a Bond fan.

Richard Kiel

There will be fairly good demand for the 30-year bond.

Gerald Lucas

We are going to have to go out to a bond if we are going to meet that need.

Patricia Spencer

Accredited has never paid a loss on a bail bond because of a failure to appear in court.

Debbie Jallad

I have the highest respect for her in and out of the courtroom. Her word is her bond.

Howard Hamilton

The female bond, I have to say.

Allison Robertson

It's just a bad bond referendum.

Rod Benfield

Right now, I'm in the process of bonding with him.

Shawn Murray

The only bond worth anything between human beings is their humanness.

Jesse Owens

That is positive for the bond market.

Raymond Remy

It's been a really strong bond. We have a lot of kids who go to Grace Church.

Heather Evans

Your word is your bond.

Melvyn Douglas

She said it promotes team bonding.

David Doyle

The main determinant of bond yields is inflation, and inflation is low.

Joe Keating

We still work as a team. We're always bonding.

Alejandro Urrego

They loved him more than me . I would have nailed Bond .

Matthew Vaughn

I think it will be a good bonding experience.

Jason Pires

Just the bond that he had with the kids, I did not realize how strong that was and how much he did with them.

Annette Scarlett

The initial bond is the shared experience.

Lucy Macdonald

We're hoping to see him as James Bond in the next decade.

Kurt Voss

You bond instantly, you're in this together. We're getting along together extremely well.

Faye Marshall

It just shows the bond we have with people.

Dave Nagle

I've been able to bond with him as a coach. And it's been hard on me. I couldn't imagine what they are going through.

Brian Baum

The bond will be 84-cents per 1-thousand assessed value.

John Vornbrock

Swimming was a big deal for us. It was sort of a bonding thing for my dad and I.

Ron Reagan

What blows me out of the water is that we have to have the choices and the bonding in the same referendum.

Dave Baron

That's truly the way it was. All 10 of us had had a unique, incredible bond.

Judith Garcia

You only get one Alan Bond in your lifetime. And I've had mine.

Kerry Packer

It was a good teen bonding experience.

Nicolette Taylor

Certainly when you look at Al Capone ... there is a connection there, a bond with hip hop.

Kevin Powell

We don't want to see a lot more bonding. We want it to be pay as you go.

Damien Newton

They're all playing well. They're bonding as a team, ... This team has the best spirit of any team I've seen.

Nancy Lopez

It keeps ice from bonding to pavement. It's not nearly as slick.

Pat Miller

If we fill to capacity we don't have to do a tax or bond to cover the rest.

Alan Simon

Right now, the bond market appears to be suffering from indigestion.

Kevin Giddis