"Victoria Adams" is the name of:

*Victoria Beckham, née Adams, English pop singer and businesswoman

*Victoria Gray Adams (1926–2006), civil rights activist

*Victoria Adams (1878–1943), wife of inventor Leon Douglass

*Vicki Adams (born 1989), Scottish curler

*Mickie James (born 1979), American wrestler, sometimes uses the ring name Vicki Adams

If you enjoy these quotes, be sure to check out other famous musicians! More Victoria Adams on Wikipedia.

We can arrest the victim, but we also hate to re-victimize the victim. There is no easy answer to that. Regardless of what happens, we will do whatever we can. The job has been tougher after Crawford, but we will prosecute these cases.

I love Brazilians. Brazilians ought to be made compulsory at 15.

This person they make me out to be irritates the hell out of me as well.

It had a huge impact. In most of our cases, the victims are reluctant or afraid to testify.