He was pretty much responsible for hiring the faculty early on in that department. His confident leadership helped to develop the School of Planning into the excellent program that it is today.

Prices aren't going to halve. But they started at $50,000, so it's come down some already.

I would have done so good this year. It's disappointing.

I think practically all of these easements into the lake are not easements. They're not marked as easements; you wouldn't know they're easements; they're not usable.

It's fully repeatable, that's the big difference between GPS and RTK. With RTK, you can come back tomorrow, the next week, next year and it will follow the same pass.

The range from a base station is typically six miles, but in hills, that will be a struggle.

I've been doing this for 18 years, and I can't tell the temperature is increasing.