Tom Udall
FameRank: 6

"Thomas Stewart "Tom" Udall" is the Seniority in the United States Senate/senior United States Senate/United States Senator from New Mexico and a member of the Democratic Party (United States)/Democratic Party. First elected to the Senate in 2008, he represented as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1999 to 2009, and was the New Mexico Attorney General's Office/Attorney General of New Mexico from 1991 to 1999.

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As a member of the U.S. House Law Enforcement Task Force, I join with local citizens across New Mexico toward the goal of reducing crime.

A rebuilding process should be well thought out, ... You don't go rushing a project and say we're going to wipe all laws off the books and run pell mell down a road where you don't know where it's going.

It's a sweeping change in current law, ... They probably think it will go under the radar screen because of these disasters.

On a rocket docket.

It's an entitlement program for landowners that want to gut the Endangered Species Act.

They obviously made the wrong decision based on the weather, ... This just isn't the time to have any fire burning when you have such extreme winds and no humidity.

[The bill] changes the Endangered Species Act in a radical, radical way, ... It's an entitlement program for landowners who want to gut the Endangered Species Act.

The issue is to what extent this was a negligent decision and if it was, I don't think we want to be forcing people into court to litigate those kinds of things. I think if it was, we should step up and try to remedy the losses.

I have supported and voted for a variety of trade agreements in the past because increased trade, when achieved through a true level playing field, helps grow the economy and create jobs.