Republicans will continue to out-raise Democrats. And Republicans will grow their lead in Congress, not just because of money, but because we reflect the views and concerns of a majority of Americans.

For years, Democrats pretended that they wanted campaign finance reform, all while relying heavily on soft money, ... Today's ruling breaks the Democrats' back.

These people are doing their duty, they are doing their job and its an important job to do, ... Let's remember they didn't start this, they are just serving their country.

It's really a win-win from an operational point of view because you get less noise and less fuel burn at low altitude.

Until Majority Leader Tom DeLay has his day in court, it is vitally important he be afforded the same presumption of innocence afforded to every other American.

Has been incapable of separating his personal politics from his professional responsibilities.

It's not how the real world works.

The blended wing body is an inherently more efficient design.

It is reprehensible that some elected officials are looking to score political points in the wake of Hurricane Katrina's devastation.