The majority of consumers out there actually prefer all-in-one solutions; they want to get one service.

We're re-architecting a lot of components to make them more modular for delivery, smaller, faster, easier.

Consumers want someone on the other end to help them.

We're more than happy to compete with Microsoft. Symantec will innovate on top of Vista. Security will be a dynamic issue that will be with us for quite some time.

This is the crux of Genesis. We're taking new technologies and integrating them into our existing [technologies] in a modular way.

Genesis is not a suite or a bundle of tools, but a single integrated software application delivered to consumers as a service.

While we're not announcing the specific number of licenses that will be included with it, Genesis will be a service that covers the needs of the entire household.

Genesis will be as silent, as automatic for the users as we can make it. It's a natural evolution in security.

It's a much more managed experience. The product is able to send data about its status.