The Web will become a testing ground for older library content. Older content is desirable because you don't have to build up marketing for it. It's still part of the cultural zeitgeist.

Here, you have a great example of two sister operations with mutual needs being satisfied by the other.

There's only so much programming that the U.S. public will pay for at any given point of time.

The real issue here is whether or not there's going to be a paradigm shift or real channel shift (to video players).

It's a no-lose proposition.

Microsoft was already far behind regardless of whether this deal would have been sealed or not.

That is not insignificant. But it isn't enough to dislodge traditional video services such as home video rentals, box office and traditional TV watching, because you only have 25 percent of the American TV households capable of doing it.

But the idea is sound: leveraging the power of broadband to showcase what it does best -- video.

This is about Motorola being able to compete in the European market.