If you pick the right story and it relates to that person's life, that story is with them forever.

Gain these results forever: Surefire strategies for being a leader's leader ... harness the power of emotional hunger ... effectively expand your identity into a trusted consultant and outstanding salesperson ... mobilize your team and turn pleasure into results.

It used to be you could send around a promotional brochure, ... and you could always get business. Today, you have to be good at what you're doing because the word spreads like wildfire if you're not.

When you're dealing with people in a clinical practice, you're dealing with people oftentimes at their lowest moment, when they're in crisis, ... Oftentimes in the business environment, what you're dealing with is a person who is somewhat on autopilot. What you can do in a brief period of time is give them a fresh window to look at their life.

I think this is the golden age for our profession.

We used to be pampered, now we are searched. The frustration tolerance has been decreased.